Debugging 100% CPU usage in production Ruby on Rails systems
over 6 years ago
Today I noticed one of our customer containers was running really high on CPU.
# top -bn1
190 discour+ 20 0 2266292 205128 15656 S 86.7 0.3 9377:35 ruby
# ps aux
discour+ 190 19.4 0.3 2266292 207096 ? Sl 2017 9364:38 sidekiq 5.0.5 discourse [1 of 5 busy]
Looks like sidekiq is stuck on a job.
Where is it stuck?
Usually, this is where the story ends and another series of questions start
Can we reproduce this on staging or development?
What code changed recently?
Why is
perf trace
not giving me anything I can work with? -
How awesome is my Sidekiq logging?
Where is my divining rod?
Julia Evans is working on a fantastic profiler that will allow us to answer this kind of question real quick. But in the meantime, is there anything we can do?
rbtrace + stackprof
At Discourse we include rbtrace and stackprof in our Gemfile.
gem 'rbtrace'
gem 'stackprof', require: false
We always load up rbtrace in production, it allows us a large variety of production level debugging. stackprof is loaded on-demand.
In this particular case I simply run:
# rbtrace -p 190 -e '{ require "stackprof"; StackProf.start(mode: :cpu); sleep 2; StackProf.stop; StackProf.results("/tmp/perf"); }'
This injects a new thread that enables stackprof globally and finally writes the performance data to /tmp/perf
This dump can easily be analyzed:
# stackprof /tmp/perf
Mode: cpu(1000)
Samples: 475 (0.63% miss rate)
GC: 0 (0.00%)
473 (99.6%) 473 (99.6%) #<Class:0x00007fac08218020>::Typography.to_html_french
4 (0.8%) 1 (0.2%) #<Module:0x00007fac080c3620>.reap_connections
In fact, we can even collect backtraces and generate flamegraphs in stackprof, so I strongly recommend reading through the readme.
So there you have it, my culprit is:
text.gsub(/(\s|)+([!?;]+(\s|\z))/, ' \2\3')
A regular expression consuming 100% CPU in production, this has got to be a first
Some people asked me what was the text that exploded the regex and how did I fix it:
A repro is here
For my part I removed the offending code for now. I am not even entirely sure what my customer was trying to do with the regex.