UPDATE Dapper is now open source

A few weeks ago we started investigating some performance issues at Stack Overflow.

Our web tier was running hot, it was often hitting 100% CPU. This was caused by a combination of factors, we made a few mistakes here and there. We allowed a few expensive operation to happen a bit too concurrently and … there were some framework issues.

Google’s monster spider machine


Google loves Stack Overflow, it loves it so much that it will crawl 10 pages a second sometimes. This is totally by design, we told Google: “crawl us as fast as you can” and Google did it’s best to comply.

The trouble was that crawling our question pages was expensive business.

We maintain a list of related questions on every question page, this list is rebuilt once a month in a on demand background process. This process is usually pretty fast, however when its happening 100,000 times a day in huge bursts … it can get a bit costly.

So, we fixed that up. We changed some stuff so Google triggers less background activity. However, performance problems persisted.

In frameworks we trust

Our question show page does a fair bit of database work. It needs do a bunch of primary key lookups to pick up all the questions, answers, comments and participating users. This all adds up. I spent a fair bit of time profiling both production and dev; something kept on showing up in my cpu analyzer traces


Much of our work at Stack Overflow depended on the assumption that LINQ-2-SQL is fast enough. Turns out it was not fast enough for us.

In the trace above you can see that EntityRef<T> is baking a method, which is not a problem, unless it is happening 100s of times a second.

Build your own ORM 101

There are tons of Object-Relational-Mappers for the .Net framework. There is an antique question on SO discussing which is best as well as probably tens if not hundreds of similar questions.

When we started off Stack Overflow we chose LINQ-2-SQL. Both LINQ-2-SQL and the more recent magic unicorn Entity Framwork 4.1 are built using a similar pattern.

You give the ORM a query, it builds SQL out of it, then it constructs a DynamicMethod to materialize data coming back from SQL into your business objects. I am not privy to the exact implementation, it may be including more or less work in these dynamic methods.

This implementation is an abstraction, and it leaks. It leaks performance, you give up some control over the queries you can run and have to deal with a LEFT JOIN syntax that is so crazy it can make grown men cry.

The promise of CompiledQuery

Microsoft have been aware that in some cases you do not want your ORM re-generating the same method millions of times just to pull out the same Post objects from your DB. To overcome this there is a mechanism in place that allows you to elect to re-use the method it generates across queries. Much has been written about the performance you can gain.

The trouble is that the syntax is kind of clunky and there are certain places you can not use compiled queries. In particular EntityRef and EntitySet.

My solution

Due to various limitations much of our SQL is hand coded in LINQ ExecuteQuery block. This means we have lots of inline SQL similar to the following

var stuff = Current.DB.ExecuteQuery("select a,b,c from Foo where a = {0}", x)

This is the code we would always fall back to when performance was critical or we needed better control. We are all comfortable writing SQL and this feels pretty natural.

The trouble is that LINQ-2-SQL is still a bit slow when it comes to ExecuteQuery. So we started converting stuff to compiled queries.

I decided to experiment and see if I can out-perform ExecuteQuery by introducing a smarter caching mechanism. Once we had a replacement we could easily convert our existing code base to use it.

So, I wrote a tiny proof of concept ORM gist of rev1. IL weaving does get tricky.

It can act as a fast replacement for both compiled queries and ExecuteQuery methods. In future, I hope to release a more complete mapper so people can reuse it.

h2. Some simple benchmarks

Our workload at Stack Overflow is heavily skewed toward very very cheap queries that to a simple clustered index lookup. The DB returns the data instantly.

Take this for example:

create table Posts
	Id int identity primary key, 
	[Text] varchar(max) not null, 
	CreationDate datetime not null, 
	LastChangeDate datetime not null,
	Counter1 int,
	Counter2 int,
	Counter3 int,
	Counter4 int,
	Counter5 int,
	Counter6 int,
	Counter7 int,
	Counter8 int,
	Counter9 int

On my machine the cost of pulling out 100 random posts and turning them into Post objects are:

LINQ 2 SQL elapsed 335 ms
LINQ 2 SQL compiled 207 ms
LINQ 2 SQL ExecuteQuery 242 ms
Sams ORM 174 ms
Entity Framework 4.1 elapsed 550ms
Hand coded 164ms

So, LINQ-2-SQL can take double the amount of time to pull out our poor post, but that is not it. The trouble is that the extra 160ms is CPU time on the web server. The web server could simply be idle waiting for SQL to generate data, but instead it is busy rebuilding the same methods over and over.

You can make stuff a fair bit faster with compiled queries, however they are still as expected slower than hand coding. In fact there is quite a gap between hand coding and compiled queries.

Hand coding which is fastest is full of pain bugs and general sadness.

post.Id = reader.GetInt32(0);
post.Text = reader.GetString(1);
post.CreationDate = reader.GetDateTime(2);
post.Counter1 = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? (int?)null : reader.GetInt32(4);
// this makes me want to cry

I would take this over it any day:

var post = connection.ExecuteQuery("select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new {Id = 1}).First();

Another interesting fact is that Entity Framework is slowest and also most awkward to use. For one its context can not reuse an open connection.

Other benefits

You are probably thinking, oh-no, yet another ORM. I thought the world had more ORMs than blogging engines. Our use case is very narrow and I think it makes sense.

We are using our new ORM for a specific problem: mapping parameterized SQL to business objects. We are not using it as a full blown ORM. It does not do relationships and other bells and whistles. This allows us to continue using LINQ-2-SQL where performance does not matter and port all our inline SQL to use our mapper, since it is faster and more flexible.

This control means we can continue tweaking performance and adding features we have long waited for.

For example:

var awesome = connection.ExecuteQuery("select * from Posts where Id in (select * from @Ids)", new {Ids = new int[] {1,2,3}});

SQL 2008 has a new awesome Table-Valued Parameters, which would be awesome to use. Many ORMs shy away from supporting this cause you need to define a table type in SQL Server. However, we are in control here, so we can make it happen.


The end result of this round of optimization which involved a massive amount of rewriting, hardware tuning and such was that the question show page now only takes 50ms of server time to render. At its worst it was up at the 200ms server time. This performance boost was totally worth it. Optimizing LINQ-2-SQL played a key part of achieving this.

However, I would not recommend people go crazy and dump LINQ-2-SQL just because of this. My recommendation would be: measure, find bottlenecks and fix the ones that matter.


Mike_Murray almost 14 years ago

I'd be interested to know how Rob Conery's Massive performs in comparison (https://github.com/robconery/massive). If you haven't heard of it, it's an ironic name for an ORM that is one file and well below 500 lines if you remove comments. No overhead, get you to the SQL fast.

Chuck_Conway almost 14 years ago


Nice article. I wrote similar data-access framework a couple years ago. To solve the database null value problem I used Steve Michelotti's Nullable data reader (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/NullableReaders.aspx) . It rocks!

Good luck,


Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

You could also probably do this using extension methods which would mean you could just wack on so additional methods to SqlDataReader.

James almost 14 years ago

I second Mike's comment. If you could try Rob's “Massive” ORM implementation for your performance tests I think it would be extremely interesting.

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

I may try it out, but its an unfair comparison, Massive deals with Expandos and dynamic types, L2S and our ORM deals with strong types and bakes serializers, totally different strategy.

Liam_Mc_Lennan almost 14 years ago

Wouldn't it be cheaper to add another web server?

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

Nope … it would not solve the basic problem that stuff is just waiting around for 1.5ms more than 30 times a page, doing nothing useful. We could possibly redesign stuff so a question page is a single stored proc call returning multiple result sets, but that would be incredibly complex and unmaintainable.

Chris_Adkin almost 14 years ago

Sam, will you be releasing your ORM into the community, putting it onto codeplex or github ?

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

the prototype is linked in the article, as soon as it is complete I will look at releasing something proper

Brad_Robinson almost 14 years ago

Nice post. I had to do something similar because we were finding subsonic linq too slow. In the end I wrote this http://www.toptensoftware.com/petapoco which is very similar to Rob's massive but for strongly typed pocos. Were seeing CPU drop from 80 to 5%.

Duncan_Smart almost 14 years ago

You might want to take a look at this article which shows how you can get LINQ Expressions to do the IL stuff for you.

Pandincus almost 14 years ago

Just curious — did you have a chance to look at NHibernate? I was wondering how, performance-wise, it stacked up to your other ORMs (LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, etc).

Paul almost 14 years ago

Very interesting post, thanks for the great level of detail. You mentioned “I am not privy to the exact implementation” – and I think that is the actual root of the problem. As SO continues to grow and become more popular understanding the implementation details of your chosen frameworks and tools will become extremely important. If you can't even see the source code, let alone contribute to improving it – or at least subclass/extend the pieces that you want to mod then you may be in for a world of hurt. Also, you'll find that most popular web apps end up ditching general purpose ORMs once they start hitting performance and scalability walls.

Darren_Kopp almost 14 years ago

+1 on vote to use System.Linq.Expressions to create the IL rather than emitting your own IL. Think of it as a managed wrapper around your DynamicWrapper. It's what I use.

I did basically this a couple of years ago but have since moved to nhibernate for ease of use. There are a couple of things I learned along the way that may be helpful to you that I see as issues with what you have right now.

What you are missing is more information on the parameters. Sure it's nice to have dynamic queries and all that, but you need to hint more on the parameters. This mostly affects things where parameter size is variable, like strings; not sure about things like decimal precision off the top of my head.

consider the following statement:
sp_executesql ‘select * from post where name = @name'

your code is adding the parameter via command.Parameters.Add method, and then setting value on the parameter.

if we pass ‘abc' then @name is nvarchar(3) when you add the parameter by just using the value. if we pass ‘abcd' then @name is nvarchar(4)

you now have 2 query plans for that query. if you can hint that @name should be @nvarchar(100) or something that makes sense, then you will be able to reuse the query plan, which will improve performance of the query.

An easy fix to help this out in your code is to just give smart defaults for strings in increments like 128, 256, 512, 1024, -1 (max).

here's the code that i wrote a couple years ago that takes in a data record and emits a hydrated type and my method that i would call that utilized it: https://gist.github.com/894695.

If you have any questions hit me up on twitter @darrenkopp

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

Very good point about string params, I will make sure I add it.

Regarding expressions, we are pretty lucky to have Marc work for us and he breaths IL, so he can help out a lot. I find IL weaving a bit more straight forward the indirection around expressions confuses me.

Croweman almost 14 years ago

Have any of you tried FrameworkGen? It generates simple performant c# code and uses sql data readers and stored procs.

Paul almost 14 years ago

Sam, nice work. I'm wondering how altering SO's caching strategy might have impacted? Did you look into that at all? I understand the need for better query performance, but this high-read scenario shouts cache management to me.

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron


Our caching story is actually “quite complete”:Does Stack Exchange use caching and if so, how? - Meta Stack Exchange

Mark almost 14 years ago

Why “select * from Posts where Id in (select * from @Ids)” over “select * from Posts where Id in @Ids”?

SQL Server support “where Id in (a, b, c)”, so the nested query seems noisy.

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

Since I abandoned the idea of table valued params, they are too slow.

Instead we now do an automatic param expansion.

Anthony almost 14 years ago

Have you looked ad BLToolkit? According to http://ormbattle.net/ it's pretty fast and can show similar or faster performace. It would be interesting to see it's timing.

Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

would love to add it to the benchmark, have not looked at it yet

Sirmak almost 14 years ago

Good work, I'm also interested in a comparison with bl-toolkit, too. And why do you prefer a static strategy instead of a dynamic one (like Massive) ?


Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

We use static typing extensively in the project, needed a way to drop this in as a replacement

Trendbender almost 14 years ago

PingBack from www.progblog.ru

Boris_Kolpackov almost 14 years ago

I've implemented the same benchmark in C++ for the ODB ORM. The results are available here, in case anyone is interested how a C++ ORM stacks up against the C# crowd:


Sam Saffron almost 14 years ago
Sam Saffron

Nice one! I would totally expect native to be a tad faster.

John_Rusk almost 14 years ago

In your benchmark, was there any compilation included in your compiled linq to sql test at all? le does the time include the initial compilation? I ask because your difference between uncompiled and compiled seems small (compared to the difference I've seen in my own L2S usage.) But perhaps that's because your queries are simpler than ours.

John_Farrell almost 14 years ago

I think its wrong to call this an ORM. Its more like a query helper.

While you may satisfy the definition of ORM the term has come to mean a lot more than just something that transforms datareaders.

Dan_Feerez almost 14 years ago

Is this simply a way to get data out of the db? How do you handle insert, update and deletes?

Robert_Koritnik over 13 years ago

What about magic strings? Have you considered these? Your queries may become rather cumbersome to maintain. I personally like to avoid strings if at all possible even by incorporating some code generation.

I've done a similar thing with “BLToolkit”:http://erraticdev.blogspot.com/2010/11/t4-template-to-generate-bltoolkit.html because it does use similar approach if you provide your queries yourself.

I've written a bunch of optimized stored procedures that use some naming convention (Entity_Action as in ie. Person_GetLicenses) and then a T4 template that queries database for stored procedures and generates strong typed objects and methods:

Person p = db.Person.GetLicenses(personId).ExecuteObject();

This gives me the flexibility of having even complex queries on the DB that can process as well as return data (because usually when we create something we want to return it as well) while also eliminating errors with magic strings. Stored procedures can then be easily maintained on the server and all calls can then easily be recreated by a push of a button that re-generates all T4 templates in the solution.

Do you support stored procedures? Do you have means to avoid magic strings?

Sam Saffron over 13 years ago
Sam Saffron

of course, there are many ways to handle parameterization see: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

Shawn over 13 years ago

I'm following your MultiMapping example. Any idea why this code:

string sql = @“select uc.Description UCDesc, uc.UseCaseID, System.SystemID, System.Description SysDesc from UseCase uc left join System on System.SystemID = uc.SystemID Order by uc.UseCaseID”;

var data = connection.Query<UseCase, clsSystem, UseCase>(sql,(uc, system) => {

                 uc.MySystem = system;
                 return uc;

public class clsSystem {

public int SystemID { get; set; }
public string SysDesc { get; set; }


public class UseCase {

public clsSystem MySystem { get; set; }
public int UseCaseID { get; set; }
public string UCDesc { get; set; }


would result in this exception:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetName(Int32 i) at Dapper.SqlMapper.GetClassDeserializerT in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 887 at Dapper.SqlMapper.GetDeserializerT in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 471 at Dapper.SqlMapper.d__306.MoveNext() in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 436 at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source) at Dapper.SqlMapper.MultiMapTFirst,TSecond,TThird,TFourth,TFifth,TReturn in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 317 at Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryTFirst,TSecond,TReturn in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Dapper\SqlMapper.cs:line 282 at LearningDapper.Program.DemoMultiMapping() in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Program.cs:line 72 at LearningDapper.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Development\Learning\Dapper\LearningDapperSln\LearningDapper\Program.cs:line 18

Shawn over 13 years ago

I found the answer to the my question above…it turns out I had to use the splitOn parameter of the Query method.

Chris_Lively over 13 years ago

First, the performance bench marks link listed on the google page results in a 404.

Second, I spent some time comparing usage of Dapper vs using Enterprise library (not entity framework) and building the object list directly.

The performance differences I found were a bit surprising. In all cases, Dapper took 100% more time than doing it straight. I spent 8 hours on this today because I like the idea you have; however, I can't go forward with something that's going to radically decrease performance for us.

Dapper does execute the query in about the exact same amount of time; however, the problem appears when it comes time to iterate the results.

Is there somewhere I can post real findings so that we can figure out what's going on here?

Sam Saffron over 13 years ago
Sam Saffron

That sounds very odd to me do you have a link somewhere that shows demo code of what your were doing?

Materializing a list of 1000 objects is just a fraction (probably less than 1%) slower than doing so by hand with a IDataReader

I updated the link on the dapper homepage.

Chris_Lively over 13 years ago

I'm sending you an email now. To sum up, the problem was with the Buffered parameter.

When False, it executes 100% slower than Ent Lib (not Entity Framework) for regular stored proc access and object materialization.

When True, it is executing my tests an average of 7% faster.

Having reread this page, it's apparent I misunderstood what the Buffered parameter actually did.

I'm going to expand my testing to cover some other internal use cases. If the others come out like this then we'll be making the switch.

Allon_Guralnek over 13 years ago

Sam, what do you mean by “table valued params, they are too slow”? Too slow? How? And in what use cases?

Is there a better alternative to sending a list of primary keys to the server in order to return those rows?

Sam Saffron over 13 years ago
Sam Saffron

I noticed that for a simple int list of up to a few hundred passing in one param per number is 3 times faster than using TVPs

Hardy_Wang over 13 years ago


First of all nice article.

I have not downloaded your own ORM to take a look, but with the explanation and sample code, I am just curious, what is the different between iBatis.Net and your own ORM?

Thanks Hardy

Blue_Raja over 13 years ago

This seems like a good use-case for using a stored procedure, especially if you are just embedding your own SQL anyways. Am I missing something?

Sam Saffron over 13 years ago
Sam Saffron

the deployment story around procs is a bit more complex.

Adam about 13 years ago

I'm curious if you considered trying different architectures and/or a NOSQL database? If so, what were your observations of the alternatives?

Sam Saffron almost 13 years ago
Sam Saffron

we are quite happy with Sql Server at the moment, though do offload some stuff to redis.

When persisting to redis we find that protobuf-net works fantastically well.

Justin almost 13 years ago

hi,sam i download latest dapper,and i find SqlMapperExtensions doesn't support Oracle perfectly, it's default placeholder is ‘@',but Oracle placeholder is “:”,so there're some problems to support Oracle database,would you give us a solution to support all kind of database?

Gerry over 12 years ago

My post above should have been more like this (no, preview, edit or delete, so the best I can do is repost and hope it works this time)…

“but this high-read scenario shouts cache management to me” “Our caching story is actually quite complete”

So why are the Google requests (essentially anonomous users) ever causing SO to hit the database?

Sam Saffron over 12 years ago
Sam Saffron

well, we never really pre-cached pages, there are millions of them and they just change too often.

John_Billinglsy over 12 years ago

Is this ORM what later became Dapper.NET?

Michael over 11 years ago

Sam, I’m wondering too why you guys didn’t pick nhibernate in the first place?

Sam Saffron over 11 years ago
Sam Saffron

We were looking for something simpler, leaner and faster. Dapper is still playing a key role in Stack Overflow infrastructure today.

Michael over 11 years ago

Thanks for answer. It would be awesome to know how you guys doing other things on SO website because it’s really important to know how things go in heavy loaded website that was designed with more practical goals instead of academic ones (like many sample websites nowadays).

Like - do you do DI? Do you break your app “do something” actions into services (like PostService.CreateNewPost (…)), into commands (like commandProcessor.Execute<CreatePostCommand, Post> (…)) or into DDD entity methods (like PostRepository ().Create (…))? Do you encapsulate your queries in reposositories or in extension methods (query objects) or you use DbContext inside controllers directly? Do you practice “protect the developer” inside your service/model layer?

Sam Saffron over 11 years ago
Sam Saffron

I have not been working at SO for almost 2 year now, so I am not sure :slight_smile:

In my day we had some services, stuff was componentized, dbcontext was used directly, we placed a huge amount of trust in the developers. DI was not heavily used.

Michael over 11 years ago

Appreciate the info Sam.

Saddam Abu Ghaida about 10 years ago
Saddam Abu Ghaida

nice thing, i stumbled upon the same issue but in more generic whay where perfermonce is a big issue for me, so i almost did the same like you did, whith one difference, instead of using il i create getters and setters using expression tree like below

public  static Action<T, object> CreateSetter<T>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
        var targetType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType;
    var info = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod();

    Type type = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

    var target = Expression.Parameter(targetType, "t");
    var value = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "st");

    var condition = Expression.Condition(
        // test
        Expression.Equal(value, Expression.Constant(DBNull.Value)),
        // if true
        // if false
        Expression.Convert(value, type)

    var body = Expression.Call(
       Expression.Convert(target, info.DeclaringType),

    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<T, object>>(body, target, value);
    var action = lambda.Compile();

    return action;

public  static Func<T, object > CreateGetter<T>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
    var targetType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType;

    var info = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();

    var type = info.ReturnType;

    var exTarget = Expression.Parameter(targetType, "t");
    var exBody = Expression.Call(exTarget, info);
    var exBody2 = Expression.Convert(exBody, typeof(object));
    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>(exBody2, exTarget);

    var action = lambda.Compile();

    return (Func<T, object>)action;
Sam Saffron about 10 years ago
Sam Saffron

Its a lifetime ago, but I do remember we experimented with that. afaik msil was more flexible.

Tuan Nguyen almost 10 years ago
Tuan Nguyen

Hey Sam, I love Dapper and use it extensively. However is there any way around the maximum seven entity limit? I find I need to break up my queries when I get close to seven entities then later combine the resultsets. Are there any plans to extend the number of entities allowed for mapping?

Sam Saffron almost 10 years ago
Sam Saffron

Really unsure about the seven entity limit I am no longer the maintainer for Dapper, maybe @Marc_Gravell knows, or perhaps you could ask on Stack Overflow.

Marc_Gravell almost 10 years ago

Hey @dronestudios; there should be an overload that accepts Type[]. Eternal number of generic overloads are not practical, so beyond some n, an array of types is used instead. I would also worry that by the time you’re populating that many types, you’re doing too much in one go. Personally, I would advocate introducing a simpler type that matches the row shape, then map separately to your domain types.

Tuan Nguyen almost 10 years ago
Tuan Nguyen

Thanks for the help guys! What Marc mentioned works like a charm. I think you should put an example up on the StackExchange site about the Type overload solution. I was able to use the example from the unit test. Dapper is the bomb!

var sql = @"
        rb.Id, rb.Name,
        u1.*, u2.*, u3.*, u4.*, u5.*, u6.*, u7.*, u8.*, u9.*
        #ReviewBoards rb
        inner join #Users u1 on u1.Id = rb.User1Id
        inner join #Users u2 on u2.Id = rb.User2Id
        inner join #Users u3 on u3.Id = rb.User3Id
        inner join #Users u4 on u4.Id = rb.User4Id
        inner join #Users u5 on u5.Id = rb.User5Id
        inner join #Users u6 on u6.Id = rb.User6Id
        inner join #Users u7 on u7.Id = rb.User7Id
        inner join #Users u8 on u8.Id = rb.User8Id
        inner join #Users u9 on u9.Id = rb.User9Id";

var types = new[] { typeof(ReviewBoard), typeof(User), typeof(User), 
    typeof(User), typeof(User), typeof(User), typeof(User), 
    typeof(User), typeof(User), typeof(User) };

Func<object[], ReviewBoard> mapper = (objects) =>
    var board = (ReviewBoard)objects[0];
    board.User1 = (User)objects[1];
    board.User2 = (User)objects[2];
    board.User3 = (User)objects[3];
    board.User4 = (User)objects[4];
    board.User5 = (User)objects[5];
    board.User6 = (User)objects[6];
    board.User7 = (User)objects[7];
    board.User8 = (User)objects[8];
    board.User9 = (User)objects[9];
    return board;

var data = connection.Query<ReviewBoard>(sql, types, mapper).ToList();
Simon Boddy over 8 years ago
Simon Boddy

I love dapper, but I’m amazed that we go along happily for decades with SQL in string literals (which dapper does nothing to impose, but nothing to help you avoid.) Combined with the use of dynamics, it means every error is a runtime error. Would we not be happier and more fulfilled if we used something like QueryFirst ? Sql in its own file. Your queries tested against your base every time you save them, All your ADO stuff generated for you, and, cerise sur le gateau, compile errors if your schema changes.

Vincent Grazapoli about 5 years ago
Vincent Grazapoli

Dapper is a well thought out tool, and works well for what it does, but string literals scattered about an application is quite frankly a maintenance disaster waiting to happen.
For a much simpler, better performing, and more productive approach you should immediately switch to

Generate all those POCO objects in seconds by simply adding a comment to a stored procedure and you’re done. Nearly twice as fast as dapper, and just as productive as Entity Framework.

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